When you live in Vinton, LA, you know just how important it is to have a properly functioning HVAC system. However, if you’re experiencing issues with your HVAC system, the problem could be your thermostat. Here are five signs you need to replace your thermostat.
1. Inaccurate Display
Unless you have a non-programmable thermostat, it should have a display. This is where it shows important information such as indoor and outdoor temperature. If you notice a blank display, the wrong temperature, or missing information, it’s a sign it may need maintenance or replacement.
2. No Response
If you press a button to do anything on your thermostat and nothing happens, it might have a loose wire. Similarly, if you adjust the temperature settings on your thermostat and there’s no immediate response from your HVAC system, then it’s time to call a professional to either repair or replace it.
3. The Thermostat Is Older Than 10 Years
Thermostats have an average service life of 10 years, after which they start to become inefficient and outdated. Since your thermostat controls your HVAC system, you need one that’s efficient and works as it should. If you have a non-programmable thermostat or one with a needle, it’s past time to upgrade.
4. Too Hot or Humid
Not only does your air conditioner keep you cool, but it also removes the humidity from your home. While you may need to assist your air conditioner with a dehumidifier to remove humidity, if you notice your thermostat is having a harder time removing heat and humidity, it might need replacing in order to help your indoor air quality.
5. Unusually High Energy Bills
One of the most obvious signs that you have a problem is if you notice higher than normal energy bills. Unless you’ve experienced a heatwave or your power company raised their rates, your energy bills should remain fairly consistent.
Don’t let high temperatures affect your comfort this summer. Contact Burnworth’s AC today for your AC installation needs.
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